Friday, March 21, 2008

Wedding week!!

So we made if through finals! I say we because I was I couldn't have made it through this week without rick. He kept reminding me to breath when i was freaking out! So this next week is our wedding planning week because its my only break from school until the wedding. And other great news, Rick got a new job with way better hours. He starts this monday. This week is going to be way exciting and fun! can't wait! Oh and we found a condo! its going to be a fun project condo which we are way excited about. the only downfall is we have to wait for the lady to move into a rest home before we can move in haha! So lets hope that happens before june!


MEGandJEFF said...

I'm so excited for you! You guys look way cute :) Say....are you going to keep working here on good ol' E8 after you get married (you'd better NOT say no!!)

Jen said...

Just so you know, you are so dang cute. I get so excited when I talk to you and see the excitement you have. I can't wait to see how everything comes together for the wedding.