Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Rick Flick!

Here is my tag from Meg and Mariah
1. Where did you meet?
Oh man already its juicy! We met on the internet :) I know, I know, But it makes for a fun story. We just made fun of eachother more or less on the internet teasing about baseball (we both love baseball). So we decieded to meet at a bees game. we both saw each other and thought the same thing...snob:) he thought I was a snobby avenues girl and he was a jock to me. I was wrong though, I have never been so comfortable with anyone or able to have so much fun! we hit it off and the rest is history!
2. How long did you date before you were married?
We dated for 6 months before he popped the question and 10 months before we were married. I guess when you know, you know.
3. How long have you been married?
and entire summertime!! lol 3 months.
4. What does he do to suprise you?
He is so romantic, I really have to say i'm a lucky girl. He cooks dinner a lot. Which is great because he is such a great cook! he also cleaned our whole apartment the other day just because it was stressing me out and he wanted to help me focus on finals. Yeah, he is a great guy.
5. What is your favorite feature about him?
I don't even know where to start. His arms are so sexy! I love how strong they are. his eyes also melt me. He is a babe!
6. What is your favorite quality about him?
Definately his sense of humor! I havent gone 1 hour with him without laughing! I also love how relaxed he is. My family has learned when i'm freaking out they just need to find Rick to talk to me because he calms me down. he is so spirituall too. He really has shown me so much about who I want to be.
7. What are some nicknames he calls you?
Rachy and blue eyes are my fav. there is always hon and love
8. What is his fav color.
Blue because of my eyes, he always says he is in trouble if our kids have blue eyes because they will be able to get away with anything.
9. What is his fav food.
he loves my meat loaf and my chicken cordon blue. He could really have pizza every meal for the rest of his life. he also LOVES this grose chinese buffet place that makes me queezy thinking about....the things we do for love.
10. What is his favorite sport?
Oh man every sport! he is a huge sports junky which is fun for me because I grew up with it. his fav though....well, for everyone who has seen fever pitch...thats my husband. You don't mess with his "bo socks".
11. Who said "I love you first"
I did! I'm much less romantic than he is though. We just got back to my apartment from a movie and he was trying to convince me passivly (he never said it out loud) not to go on a mission and stay here with him. It didn't take much, about 2 hours into the night I told hime it would be hard to leave because I was falling in love with him.
12. First kiss story
Yay I love this one! girls are so jelouse of this one. So I kinda wanted him to kiss me on our first date but he didn't! I was shocked! I was shocked again when he called me for a second date and didn't kiss me. I don't mean to sound hoochie I just sterio typed the poor guy. So our third date we drove up a canyon above kennicot copper mine. We could see everything! it was so beautiful. It was like he knew exsactly how to butter me up. (I love mountains and being outside). We talked forever in his jeep and walked around before he finally pulled me in for a kiss. I was totally speachless the rest of the night, I didn't know that guys could be so cute.
13. What is your favorite thing to do together?
There are alot of things that we used to do together that we havent had a chance to since we got married. Like hiking, bowling, and the reason we were ment for each other...SHOPPING! He is the BEST straight shopping buddy! Since we got married we love a good relaxing (free) alone night cooking a cuddling up to a good show. He just got me into Hero's so we have been renting their seasons.
14. How many kids do you have?
just the two of us! we can be like big kids though, so I havent gotten baby hungry...yet.
15. What is one of his hidden talents?
He is an insane bowler! That what made my brothers Love him! he doesn't even walk to the lane! he just throws it from where you pick up the ball and it lands half way down the lane. That is soemthing that is really sexy to me! He is also the best seasoner out there. he seasons all of our meat before I finish cooking. Its amazing!
16. How old is he?
17. What is his fav music?
It depends on his mood and I love that we listen to anything from country to rap to even some opera lol
18. What do you admire most about him?
His spirituality and the way he honors his preisthood. He is so excited about life and what is to come. He really is my hero.
19. Will he read this?
I think so, he is always interested to hear the jibber jabber that comes out of my mouth lol